Growing up, I always dreaded Lent. It was a time when I couldn't have my favorite candy and no meat on Fridays. I didn't understand why and counted the days until Easter Sunday when I could gorge again. Now, I realize how silly that was. As I CHOSE to understand and mature in my spiritual journey, I have found a deep love for what Christ did for us, not only in the 40 days in the desert, but also redeeming our sins and giving us a chance at eternal life.
I remember asking Deacon Dean Darnell back in high school what he thought about giving up things for Lent. He said that if you're going to give something up for Lent you might as well give it up for life. He said that it was better to do something extra and try to incorporate it in your life. I've been focusing on what he said for the past couple of years. I'm not always successful after the first few weeks, but maybe if I post them on my blog I will stick to them better.
1. Pray the Rosary everyday
I really want to do this one. Growing up, I was always bored by the Rosary and thought it lasted for an eternity(I was a dramatic child). As an adult, I find the beauty of the prayers and how it is more important to focus on the mysteries than trying to say the prayers with perfection. This is one of the best ways to use mental and vocal prayer. I have the Rosary on CD and it makes it much easier to follow if someone is saying it with you.
I am so terrible at doing this. I tried this one last year and failed miserably. I really want this act to work and have it become second nature. Prayer before meals was not something we did regularly(sorry Mom for calling us out) at home. I want to change that so it is easier to have our future children pray at meal times.
A friend got me the same book for Advent and I really liked it. I have read a few of these in past liturgical seasons and they help to keep you focused on the season. They put the season in a different perspective and give a realistic approach for the average person. It also helps that these books are only about $2!
4. Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation
This should be a no-brainer, but mustering up the courage to go is usually the hardest part. Once I am at the confessional the rest comes out quite easily. I want to stop making excuses and go at least once during the season. Walking out of that confessional makes me feel so alive and grateful that Our Lord continues to heal us every single time. So this season, I want to come back to Jesus.
5. Attend Stations of the Cross
This is another one that if I just stop making excuses and get my butt there, I know that I will be thankful for going. Going through each station of Jesus' walk to Calvary is a very solemn journey that shows us just what He did for US! Why wouldn't I want to spiritually experience that with Him?? I remember going to Stations of the Cross in elementary and trying to picture myself as Veronica wiping Jesus' face and how wonderful it must have been to do that. As an adult, I see how humbling that event is and see that He appreciates even the smallest things we do out of love for Him.
I think that's it for now. Five is a good number to start with and these are attainable goals as long as I keep my laziness away. I think I will periodically do a check-in and see how I'm doing along these 40 days.
What are your Lenten goals/sacrifices?
This post is part of a linkup hosted by Carrots for Michaelmas, Molly Makes Do and Dualing Moms. Follow this link to see some other great posts about the fasts, feasts and celebrations of Lent.
This is a great post and wonderful Lenten goals. I too am trying to pray befoe meals because I am very sporadic with this!