Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Pictures 2013

We took Christmas pictures with our wonderful photographer, Shelley Kruse with Little Bird Photography, about a month ago. I was waiting on our Christmas cards to be sent out before posting the pictures on here. 

This year's pictures are much different than last year's with just the dogs. Click here for last year's post.

 I thought we were just going to take a few family pictures and that would be it, but Shelley had other ideas for some gorgeous pictures.
 I cherish these daddy and son pictures
  And a few pictures of just us with Eli

 And just one with Mommy
Shelley insisted that Chris and I take a picture together because she said that once people have babies they forget to take pictures as a couple.
We are very pleased with our pictures and turned them into a collage on a canvas to be hung in our house. 
Now to find the perfect spot...

Eli's Newborn Pictures

 Eli had his newborn pictures taken when he was 11 days old. He is now 7 weeks old and looking back I miss this little peanut.
 Shelley Kruse with Little Bird Photography took Eli's pictures.
 Shelley's niche is with baby photography. She is so creative and was so patient with us and Eli.
He did not want to keep his arms down so Shelley swaddled him, but you can see his little hand trying to break through.

 Eli is covered in Chris' baby blanket
 And my favorite picture, but also the most stressful. It took so long for us to get Eli to cooperate for this. Shelley worked her magic and got this angelic shot.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Eli's Baptism

I'm a little behind on this one. Forgive me!

Eli was baptized on November 10 at St. John Catholic Church and officiated by Father Antonio. We chose Shelby and Brianna as Eli's godparents. Marley was baptized on the same day and we were chosen as her godparents.
You can see in the background of the pictures that there were several families having their children baptized, too.
 During the ceremony, the godparents were asked to hold the godchild.
 Marley being baptized with holy water
 Eli being baptized with holy water (He slept through the whole thing!)

 Just after the holy water

 Eli getting chrism oil put on his head (It smelled so good on him!)
 All of us with Father Antonio
 Still sleeping through it all
 All of us with my grandad
 Us with my mom and dad
 Our little family picture
 And my favorite picture of the day...
My mom wanted a picture of all of her grandbabies with her and my dad. As you can see, that idea did not work. The babies did not cooperate and mom did not get her beloved picture. The looks on their faces are priceless.
I'm so happy that Eli is baptized and is beginning his journey as a follower of Christ. I want to teach him all about our Savior and how we can be like him to others. I want to teach him prayers and pray with him. So much to share with this little guy.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving Week 2013

It was a crazy Thanksgiving week. We started out with my sister and Marley spending the night the Friday night before. My sis had to go to the airport for a bit so we took care of Marley while she was gone. Marley was drawn to the TV so we set her up on the boppy like this and she was content. I love to see her little chubby arms hanging over.
Eli has been working on his tummy time. I got a picture of him holding his head up for a bit and enjoying his activity mat. He's growing up so quick!!
On Tuesday, my sis, mom, and I got together to make kolaches. Bri and I had only made them once at our baking class and we were a little rusty. They turned out better than expected, but we have a few kinks to work out for the next time. 
While we were making kolaches, my dad and brother were on baby patrol. I caught Eli napping with my dad in the recliner. I love this picture of them two.
On Wednesday, I made spice cake whoopie pies for the festivities the next day. They turned out so delicious. Chris says that the spice cake whoopie pies are his favorite.
Thanksgiving Day morning, we went to Mass as a family. It was so nice to give thanks for the two greatest gifts I have been given. 
Our little turkey was all dressed up for the day. Chris took an awkward picture of him, but we were rushed getting ready for church.
But I did get this one with my little turkey.
 My niece wanted to play with Eli. She thought he was her baby doll to take care of.

Chris and Brianna went to Target to get in line for an iPad that evening, so the rest stayed back to watch the babies. Marley was glued to the football game sitting on Papi's lap.

 I hope everyone had a thankful and happy Thanksgiving. Looking forward to this Advent season and preparing my heart for the coming of Christ.