Thursday, March 13, 2014

Eli is Four Months Old

Our little peanut is four months old now! I have to say that this month is when I noticed more changes with him in such a short amount of time. He would go to bed and the next morning I would say, "You look different." I try to take as many pictures, give as many hugs, and listen to him as often as I can to relish this sweet boy at this age.
I had to take home an extra kid one day leaving Sherry's and got this adorable picture of Eli and Marley bundled up and ready to go.
Every day I am reminded of just how much he is like his father.
Just hanging out with Doris
My favorite picture of this month
He's all decked out in his British gear. Our friends, the Eglingtons, got him the "iPoo'd" onesie, Chris' sister, Kate, got him the British flag socks with his name on them, and I got the Union Jack leggings from
He's getting good at just sitting in the Bumbo
He has this contagious smile that you cannot help but smile back. I love how his whole face beams with excitement and joy.

My mom took him for his four month check up because Chris and I couldn't get off work. She said he did as well as he could with the shots. The doctor said he looks healthy and is now 13 1/2 lbs and 24 1/4 inches. He's still a little guy, but is really starting to chunk up.

I thank God for every day spent with my sweet baby boy.


  1. He is such a cutie. What are y'all doing on Sunday? We are going to be in Ennis and I have your snacks from the giveaway.

  2. Thank you, Dianna. We will be around on Sunday. Yay! Can't wait for my prize :)
