Sunday, October 13, 2013

38 Weeks

Here I am at week 38!! Only a few more weeks to go and we get to finally meet our little Gilburt! This past week has been tough physically and mentally. My body is starting to get sluggish and even the easiest physical activities have become a chore. I'm experiencing Braxton Hicks every other day, or so. It's been a bit uncomfortable to teach and hide the pain so my students aren't freaking out on me by thinking that I'm going into labor.
Also, I'm getting ready to go on maternity leave and I want to make sure that my students are taken care of so that the transition back to school can be as smooth as possible. I know that I need to stop worrying about things that I have no control over, but I really don't want to spend a ton of time reteaching my kids because the sub didn't help too much.
 I'm on weekly visits now. My doctor checked me at 36 weeks and I was dilated at a 1 and my cervix was beginning to thin. That bit of news made it seem very real and that we are only a few weeks away from this little guy changing our entire world. My blood pressure has been a bit concerning to my doctor the last two weeks, but he still says that baby is sounding good and nothing unusual.

I toured the hospital last week and got to see the delivery and postpartum rooms. Our hospital is only 10 minutes away from home, which is comforting if I go into labor at home and for close family to help out with our dogs or bring something from our house.

11, more or less, days to go!!


  1. Yay!! I can't wait to meet sweet Eli! I have been thinking about you a lot. I hope your blood pressure calms down so you can enjoy this last part of your pregnancy.

    1. Thanks Dianna!! Every day we get a bit more excited to meet him. Just hope he comes soon!!
