Monday, July 8, 2013

Our Pool Dream Part 2

When I last left on Our Pool Dream Part 1 Chris had filled the pool halfway and prepared to begin building the deck. The next weekend, Chris got up early to start the deck. You can see what looks like him scratching his head and in deep thought. This deck was a bit different than the one he built before and it took a lot of planning before he could actually do anything.
He got the outline of the deck down
My cousin, Dominic, came over to help finish the pool. They had to put the liner back underneath the top panels and secure it so it wouldn't slip. This process took longer than expected and it was nearly 6 before we called it quits for the day.
We needed to buy pool salt and concrete mix for the posts before the stores closed on Saturday. Chris suggested we take the old Jetta. This little tank chugged its way to Tractor Supply for 480 lbs. of concrete mix, to Wal-Mart for 250 lbs. of pool salt, and a filled up for a full tank of gas!! I was really worried that we wouldn't make it home without sparks flying from the bottom of the car with the extra 730 lbs., but she made it home!
The next morning, Chris set the rest of the posts and prepared to begin laying the deck.
By Sunday afternoon, I could see how high the deck was going to be
Chris finished the steps and began the puzzle of placing the boards down so they fit exactly.

We left the pool like this on Sunday and waited until Thursday morning (July 4th) to finish.
Chris didn't get home until 10:30 Wednesday night and got up even earlier the next morning to finish the deck before our guests came to our party later in the afternoon.

By 2pm (party starting at 3pm!!) Chris had this much done. He decided that he would not be able to finish the last section (left side of the deck) and put saw horses on it so no one would fall in. He also added railings so no one would fall off the sides. We have more plans for these areas, but they had to wait until after the party.
The final look of the deck and pool before the party
 Chris really worked his tail off to get all of this done. I can't give him enough credit for drawing it up and doing it. He really is a handy man and I'm just so glad he has the patience and perseverance to do it all.

See our 4th of July Party in the next post!

1 comment:

  1. Chris did a great job! I was bragging on him to Kyle and my MIL on how handy he is and how great he did.
