"Spring, Spring, Spring" as Seven Brides for Seven Brothers sing it. You can definitely see that Spring has sprung in Gilburtshire. The woman who lived here before us planted some beautiful flowers and every year we get to see some of these pretty colors pop up for a bit.
First, our pear tree. I love this tree!! It's off to the side of our front yard and has been producing some wonderful pears in the fall. It's nice to see this tree bloom as a sign that it's still alive and we haven't completely killed. (I have the worst green thumb).
Next are the irises. These are gorgeous and are such a nice thing to see as we come in the driveway. There are some purple ones next to the white ones, but the wind was blowing too much to get a good picture.
Here are some pretty daffodils that popped up right underneath our "Gilburtshire" sign. Makes my house feel like a cottage.
Finally, our peach tree. We planted this last year here. It produced about 10 peaches, but ants got to them before we could eat them. We are planning on buying a few more fruit trees this year. A local greenery, Texscapes, is having a sale like last year on their fruit trees. Judging at how well this one did, we will definitely buy from them again.
My cousin sold me some Easter decor she was getting rid of and I couldn't resist. These bunnies are so cute and look great on the piano.
And on the chest in the entryway. You can also see my "G" egg. About a month ago, I took Chris to Kirkland's for the first time (he loved it) and I saw this egg. It was a bit expensive, but with it being personalized I didn't know if it would be there when it would hit clearance. I love this egg and think it's a neat addition to the Easter decor.
Can you see my excitement of finding the egg?
My last addition to my Easter decor is my wreath. I won this at my church bazaar this past year and knew it would be perfect for spring. The flowers and cross in the middle of the wreath really give it the spring look and what this season really means.
As we come to a close on this Lenten season, I will put a final check-in on my Lenten promises this week. Hope you are having a wonderful spring and are looking forward to our risen King!
I love the egg! Very cute!