Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Still Caring for Mr. Bates

This little baby is milking every ounce of sympathy he can get from us, including his sister, Doris.
We felt bad for him and let him stay in our bedroom while we were out one evening and came home to this.
We were pretty upset and made him sleep outside. That is until he started barking very late in the night and didn't seem to be stopping, so he slept on the floor. Chris said that he could fix the headboard and pointed out that I didn't like the color of the top square anyways. He may be right.
Even though he is supposed to be taking it easy, he has been playing around, jumping on the couch and bed, and running around the house. Well, he got out of hand and he or Doris took off the scab from his stitches. He needed to go back to the clinic to get it taken care of. He whined the entire way to the clinic and clung to me like static. This is where he decided to sit the entire time.
And here.
And I just figured we might as well take a real picture together. Can you tell that he loves me?
When we got to the clinic they said that him licking the scab is normal and gave him antibiotics and tightened his collar. He now must wear it for an additional week. He is not too pleased with that, but it's his own fault. He should be healed by next week and until then he will be milking the sympathy from us and Doris.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Mr. Bates! Ranger healing was a lot harder than Riley!
