Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My Summer Movies

I am a movie-fanatic!! I love going to the theaters or sitting on my couch watching them on Netflix. Either way, my favorite part of a movie is talking about it later and seeing if other viewers agreed with my critiques of the movie. With summer comes summer movies. I haven't seen that many yet, but I have a list and will share it with you and hope that you will post your comments on them.
The first, and only one, that I have seen so far is Snow White and the Huntsman

This movie was ok. Charlize Theron is amazing as the Queen and really shows the evil side of the character while portraying a beautiful and power-hungry villain. Kristen Stewart, in a word, eh. She seems to play the same awkward and annoying character that she plays in every movie. I understood that she was Snow White, in that she was unaware that she was beautiful, but when the viewer is starting to root for the queen because she has more personality and emotion to overcome her obstacles I start to wonder, "Why is she in this movie?" In one statement, once was enough for me.

Here is my list of movies that I am ready to see this summer:

My "Kid At Heart" movie of the summer
 I think this looks like such a cute movie with a good message. I love anything that Disney and Pixar do together and this doesn't look like it will disappoint.

My "Inner Vampire" Movie of the Summer
This just looks like a crazy mash-up of the latest vampire craze and throwing a historic spin on it. I'm sure this has a lot of gore and violence, but sign me up.

My "Guiltiest Pleasure" Movie of the Summer
I know that the storyline will be shallow and fake, but heck I don't think anyone cares that is going to see this. Let's face it, anyone going to see this movie is going for the hot men, rockn' bodies, and a night out with their girlfriends.

My "I Can't Wait to Laugh My Bootie Off" Movie of the Summer
This just looks laugh out loud funny. I love Family Guy and Mark Whalberg and think that this will just be so hilarious. It's definitely not for kids, as the squishy teddy bear may lead some to believe, but seems like it is for anyone looking for raunchy humor.

And for my MOST ANTICIPATED Movie of the Summer

I love this entire trilogy!! Christopher Nolan does not disappoint as the Dark Knight rises this summer. I cannot wait to see how this all plays out with the new additions of Anne Hathaway and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. This movie can only be great and I will be there opening night to see it.

Those are my picks for the summer. If you've seen some already, let me know what you thought.

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