Monday, November 2, 2015

Eli's 2nd Birthday Party

We had Eli's 2nd birthday party on Halloween. It was on Saturday this year and we had it during lunchtime.
HEB did a great job in creating Eli's cake. 
We had pizza and we added plastic spiders to give it a gruesome look.
Our Halloween spread
Our little "Elliott" with E.T. 
My nephew and niece enjoying the party
There were kids everywhere
But, it was so much fun to see everyone dressed up
Singing "Happy Birthday" to Eli
He loved the cake part
A group picture of everyone dressed up
And my dogs were done after being host and hostess to everyone.

Click here for Eli's 1st birthday party.
I can't believe my baby is 2 and our Andie will be here in a few short weeks. Time goes by so quickly and I am blessed to have my husband and children in my life.

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