Sunday, July 12, 2015

17 Weeks

Here we are already at 17 weeks with Baby #2.
This was my first belly shot since we found out about Baby #2. I need to remember to take more and not care too much about if I have makeup on or if I'm wearing the right clothes. 
This pregnancy has proved to be much different than last time, that or I forgot what last time was like. I had frequent headaches in the first trimester that would hurt so bad that I couldn't do much when I had one. It seems like I am much sicker than last time. Although it has been less by entering the second trimester, every few days I start to get that "blah" feeling again. 
I'm going to use the same template I used for my pregnancy with Eli to track how I'm feeling and what's going on and I also added a few new categories:
Baby size: the size of a turnip
Weight gain: gained 1/2 pound
Sleep: A bit more energy, but still needing my naps; able to lie on stomach still
Cravings: Chinese food, pickles, wine
Repulsions: BBQ brisket, the smell of garlic
Miss anything: wine, able to pick up Eli with more ease
Looking forward: Baby G's gender reveal on Tuesday!! My guess is girl.
Odd fact: Baby G did not like Fuzzy's Tacos. Within a few hours the nachos I had were coming right back up.TMI

1 comment:

  1. Love the update and can't wait to find out if baby #2 is a girl or boy!!
