Friday, December 11, 2015

38 Weeks

At 38 weeks, I was still feeling good and ventured out into a 16 hour Black Friday shopping spree with my two aunts. It really wasn't that bad. I took my breaks when needed and paced myself. But when I got home, I felt like I got hit by a train and Andie made me pay for the all day abuse. I thought I might go into labor that night with all of the pain, but nope. I woke up on Saturday good as new. She wasn't ready to make her presence known yet.
The day before was Thanksgiving and my mom insisted of a picture of my sis, myself, and SIL, who were all pregnant. My sister was 19 weeks, I was 38 weeks, and my SIL was 37 weeks. I had been cooking all morning and already was feeling the drain of the day. But, this was a precious moment that we didn't want to miss. 
Here are my stats for Andie:
Baby size: the size of a leek
Weight gain: 20 pounds, yeah I finally hit that
Sleep: Not much. Waking up and can't find a comfortable position to go back to sleep in, getting up for the bathroom several times
Cravings: Mrs. Grass soup, chocolate, slushies
Repulsions: BBQ brisket
Miss anything: wine, being able to play longer with Eli, not having so much sciatic pain, talking without being so breathless
Looking forward: Andie making her big debut and seeing Eli become a big brother
Odd fact: I got a lot of stares at Black Friday shopping and when people asked how long I had to go and I said next Saturday they were shocked. I honestly have felt so good this pregnancy and have enjoyed being pregnant. This pregnancy seems like a breeze compared to being pregnant the first time, and that one wasn't a difficult pregnancy either. I am truly blessed to have two babies and want to relish every moment that's been given to our family.

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