As we began Advent this year, I contemplated what sorts of traditions we would start with our family. Since Eli is now one I felt that it was a good time to start toddler friendly traditions.
When I searched on Pinterest I found this activity called "Wandering Wisemen". (link to original pin
here) There weren't any directions, but mere guidelines that the wise men go in search of baby Jesus until the Epiphany. This was actually helpful because I could create the activity how I saw fit for our family.
My mom purchased a Little People nativity at Target for Eli. The size of the little people is perfect for Eli's chubby hands to hold and big enough so he is not choking on pieces.
I did 19 days of wandering wise men. I may do more next year. Since it was my first year, I just went with it. I started it on December 12 for no particular reason, but next year will be different. My sister and I were talking and decided to have St. Nicholas drop off the wise men on December 6. They will stay with us until the Epiphany, January 6, or when the Church celebrates it that year. (Typically, it's the first Sunday of the year. This year it was January 4.)
Day 1: Our wandering wise men read about the prophecy of the King and decide it is time to start their journey to find Him #wanderingwisemen #alternativetoelfontheshelf |
Each day, that I remembered, I would would move the wise men around the house creating adventures for them on their quest to find the King.
Day 2: Not even the treacherous chocolate sand dunes will keep the Wandering Wise Men from searching for the King #wanderingwisemen |
3: The Wandering Wise Men took a much needed break to sing a few Advent
songs. Balthasar impressed the other two with his mad piano skills. #wanderingwisemen |
4: Gaspar thought he was leading in the right direction, but got them
lost in the piney trees. If only they would stop arguing and follow the
correct star. #wanderingwisemen |
Day 5: Wandering Wise Men take a break from travel for some fun #wanderingwisemen |
Day 6: The Wandering Wise Men got a lift from a dump truck to soothe their achy feet #wanderingwisemen |
7: Melchior wrapped the presents, but forgot to label them. Now they'll
have to unwrap them all. They all agree this is the longest road trip
ever #wanderingwisemen |
Day 8: The Wise Men find comfort from the warmth of a large beast #wanderingwisemen #mrbates #bassetthounds #bassettofinstagram |
Day 9: The wise men stopped to sing a few carols with Snoopy. Gaspar was a bit off key singing his "O Come Emmanuel" solo. #wanderingwisemen |
Day 10: Rub a dub dub three Wise Men in the tub getting squeaky clean to meet the King #wanderingwisemen |
11: Santa gave the Wise Men a lift on his way through town and told them
the great news that a King was born last night. They've still got a
long journey ahead before they finally meet Him. #wanderingwisemen | | | | |
The wise men were also met with unforeseeable dangers. Along the way, Melchior was kidnapped by a certain one year old. This point of the journey taught us that even when people are lost along our life journey we must keep our eyes fixed on Jesus to guide us.
Day 12: Balthasar and Gaspar flee to the aid of a special reindeer that will help them find Melchior, who has gone missing #wanderingwisemen |
13: As a new day comes, Balthasar and Gaspar must travel on to find the
King without Melchior. They still have hope that he will eventually
find the King with or without them. #wanderingwisemen #whereismelchior #oneyearoldsareterrorists |
Melchior was found, in my rain boot, and joined Gaspar and Balthasar for the rest of the journey. We delight when our fallen brothers come back to us to follow the path of Christ.
14: Melchior has been found! Eli, the conspirator, hid him well until
the ransom was paid. The other two were missing this morning, but
apparently wanted to cool off from the hot desert sun before being found
#checkyourrainboots #dontletyourhusbandtouchthewisemen #oryouroneyearold #husbandsandchildrenareterrorists #wanderingwisemen |
Day 15: As the Wise Men get closer to the King they receive signs that they're on the right path #wanderingwisemen |
Day 16: The Wise Men rang in the new year and thanked God for their journey so far. Not too long before they find the King #wanderingwisemen |
Day 17: The Wise Men encounter more palm trees which tells them they are almost at their destination #wanderingwisemen |
Day 18: The cargo is weighted down with gifts for the King. The wise men are almost there to present their treasures #wanderingwisemen |
19: "When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed
with joy. On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his
mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their
treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and
myrrh." Matthew 2:10-11 The Wise Mmen have made it to their King! May we all be just as excited and give homage to our Lord who has come to save us all. #wanderingwisemen #threekings |
Eli really enjoyed this last part where all of his little people were gathered around Jesus. It wasn't long before he threw half of them on the floor, but it was nice for a few seconds.
As simple as this tradition was, it helped me keep Jesus as the focus of the season. It helped me to see the wise men's journey as similar as our journey to the King. We are going to argue, get lost, want to give up, but when we see that Jesus has been waiting for us, only to love us it makes the trip worth every step.
Love this so much--our church preschool has adopted your idea and we're going to do it for our kiddos in Advent this year! (Love your narrative captions. LOL). #greenleafvc #wanderingwisemen