Sunday, July 12, 2015

17 Weeks

Here we are already at 17 weeks with Baby #2.
This was my first belly shot since we found out about Baby #2. I need to remember to take more and not care too much about if I have makeup on or if I'm wearing the right clothes. 
This pregnancy has proved to be much different than last time, that or I forgot what last time was like. I had frequent headaches in the first trimester that would hurt so bad that I couldn't do much when I had one. It seems like I am much sicker than last time. Although it has been less by entering the second trimester, every few days I start to get that "blah" feeling again. 
I'm going to use the same template I used for my pregnancy with Eli to track how I'm feeling and what's going on and I also added a few new categories:
Baby size: the size of a turnip
Weight gain: gained 1/2 pound
Sleep: A bit more energy, but still needing my naps; able to lie on stomach still
Cravings: Chinese food, pickles, wine
Repulsions: BBQ brisket, the smell of garlic
Miss anything: wine, able to pick up Eli with more ease
Looking forward: Baby G's gender reveal on Tuesday!! My guess is girl.
Odd fact: Baby G did not like Fuzzy's Tacos. Within a few hours the nachos I had were coming right back up.TMI

Sweet Summer Time

Summer is here and we are enjoying the fun things that summer provides for us. Here are some random pictures from summer so far.

Every day is a new adventure with Eli.
 I love seeing all of the colorful fruits and veggies packed for eating in summer time.
 Eli and I attended Mommy and Me swim lessons this year again. This little guy was ready to go for a swim. Now, once we got in the pool it was a different story.
We had a great time swimming together when Eli wasn't screaming.
 We also found out that my SIL is having a BOY!! To celebrate, we had dinner. It was so cute to see these sweet cousins sitting together to enjoy dinner.
Eli and I went with some of the family to a local water park. It took awhile for Eli to get comfortable, but eventually he found a comfy spot with these floats.
 Marley joined in and they had a relaxing time.
We took the kiddos swimming at the local pool
 And finally, what summer is all about. Eli eating, feet propped up, hair tousled, and watching TV. It just doesn't get much better than that.
Here's to more summer fun!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Polka Fest 2015

 Polka Fest 2015 was a memorable one. Chris's sister and nephew were able to visit us during Polka Fest and took in the festivities. We had a blast showing them all of the fun things to do at Polka Fest.

On Thursday night, I took Eli to the Pre-Pre-Party in his outfit from last year. It was a little snug so I didn't snap the bottom, but tucked it into his shorts. Marley wore hers from last year too.
 Marley wanted Eli to dance with her so bad, but Eli didn't want to dance with her much.
 I got a picture with my little guy and Marley popped in the background.
 Eli was entranced by Poppy playing drums. He definitely has the musical gene.
 The kids even made it on Polka Beat!
 Friday night was the Pre-Party and sure enough Eli was right by the band watching the musicians.
 And he followed Gammy and Poppy around until they would let him dance with them.
 The kids also wore their krojs Friday night.
 He looked so cute and grown up in his kroj.
 We snagged Cameron for a group picture of all of the Mikula grandkids that came to the Pre-Party.
 On Saturday night, I wore my "Future Polka Fest King or Queen Inside" shirt that I wore 2 years ago pregnant with Eli. I was so glad to wear it again.
 We watched the Ennis Czech Boys and Alex Meixner joined them on stage for a few songs. It was an awesome night.
 On Sunday we were back at it for one more day of intense polka. These two were die hard fans in their matching shirts.
 Gammy carrying the groupies off

 Photo Props
 The guys had fun dancing the Chicken Dance.
 Even the other Brits got in on the fun.
 Family picture time
 We had so much fun
 And one more goofy picture
Until next year...with one more Gilburt joining us!
Polka Fest 2014 and 2013