I know I'm a little late, but will recap as if I didn't already have my baby.
At Week 40, I was feeling more and more ready to have Eli. My body had just about enough of being pregnant and was preparing me for labor as the Braxton Hicks were keeping me up several nights a week.
At my last appointment I was still only dilated at a 1 and almost completely effaced. I was a little bogged down with only being a 1, but also knew that could change at any time. My doctor set up an appointment to be induced the following Thursday, Halloween. I liked the idea of having a Halloween baby, but the thought of being this uncomfortable for another week made me want to cry.
I finished up the week at school and said my goodbyes to my students and that I would return after Christmas. I'm glad I did finish up the week because it gave me a bit more time to prepare for my substitute and get my grades in.
Eli's birth story coming up!!
Yay!! I already know what happens but am still excited!!