Friday, May 8, 2015

Good Friday 2015

On Good Friday, my sister took Eli to the local bank to have his picture taken with the Easter Bunny. Last year he loved it. This year...not so much.
That night, we got together for our annual egg dyeing party at my sister's house. My sis had the two kiddos decorate cupcakes before the eggs. They had a great time making a mess and doing very little decorating on the cupcakes.
They loved getting to help in the kitchen.

And they loved eating everything.

I got one picture with my little stinker before he really went crazy with the egg dye.

Easter Card 2015

I had some really good coupons through Shutterfly so I made some Easter cards to send out to our parents and grandparents. 

Happy Easter!

Eli's Easter Pictures 2015

Yeah, I'm late on this, but I wanted to get it posted sooner or later. 

Here are Eli's Easter pictures. I was worried that they wouldn't turn out well because he was being a little toot that day and wouldn't sit still for very long. But, I was surprised. They turned out adorable and captured his personality so well.

 He was singing "Let it Go"

 He looks too grown up in this picture for me

This last one is definitely my favorite. His cheeky smile says it all.
Our little guy has grown so much since last year's pictures here.