My parish began a 24/7 adoration chapel about a year ago. For those unfamiliar with an adoration chapel, it is a small chapel that is separate from the main church that houses the consecrated host of Jesus. As Catholics, we believe that Jesus is truly present in the bread and wine offered at Mass when consecrated by a priest.
During this time adorers may come to spend alone and quiet time with the Lord in His most sacred state. I never understood the true power and beauty of this until I attended CRHP Retreat(Christ Renews His Parish) a few years ago. Being in the presence of Christ allowed me to pray deeply and grow closer to our Lord.
Fast forward to last year when our parish started our adoration chapel. In order for it to remain open 24/7 we had to have adorers at every time of day, as you do not want to leave Jesus alone. They asked for adorers and I couldn't see myself committing to an hour every week. It now sounds so selfish, but I had just given birth to Eli and was trying to manage a home with a baby.
I substituted for a friend a few times on Friday nights when she had to go out of town. Every time I left I felt that I needed to be there. Jesus wanted me to spend time with Him. The hustle and bustle of being a new mom was weighing on my spiritual life. I prayed my Rosary every morning, but I really needed that deep contemplative prayer time that adoration offered.
In July, my friend told me that they needed another person to take the shift after her, if not she would be taking three hours by herself in the middle of the night. I felt the call to accept this gift that God was wanting me to have.
My time is for 1 1/2 hours on Friday night. It's not always easy to wake up in the middle of the night, but it's worth it every single time I open that chapel door. This is my "me time" with Jesus. There are no text messages going off, no babies crying, no noise distracting me from what I came there to do. By spending that time with Jesus, I am able to not only talk to my Lord, but truly listen to what He wants for me. This time is sacred. I want others to take this same opportunity to grow closer to Christ.
I know that my parish is truly blessed to have an adoration chapel. I have talked to neighboring parishoners and they are always in awe that we have a chapel to go to at anytime of the day. I pray that more people take advantage of this gift.
God is waiting for us.
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