Monday, March 31, 2014

Smorgasboard #12

This past Saturday, I had a girls day with some of my friends from high school. We decided to go to Painting with a Twist and paint together. This is a very laid back atmosphere and we gabbed, laughed, and drank some wine. It was so nice to get together and see what everyone is up to.

Here is my painting after the first application of paint.
Kim and Lori working hard on their masterpieces
Mary and Ruth taking a break from their painting
Lauren, Lori, and Kim on a break
My painting at the halfway point
And my masterpiece!! I added the letters in the tree and the flowers around the tree.
All of us with our paintings
We went out to eat at El Fenix and Kacie met us for dinner. We proceeded with more conversations and laughter. It was such a nice treat to get out of the house and enjoy some time away from normal life.

But while I was having some fun with my girls, Eli was having just as much fun with girls, too.

My cousin, Melisa, kept Eli with her two girls. You can see how excited they were to play with each other.
Eli is a little social butterfly and loves to smile at everyone. Melisa said the girls loved having him around and wanted to keep him! I heard there was only one minor boo-boo and Eli took it like a champ. I hope for more time for him with his cousins in the future. 

In my next post, I will show you what Chris was up to while we were away...

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Spring Break 2014

We had so much fun over Spring Break, but we also had a lot to do. Chris' mom and stepdad came in from the UK to visit the same week to meet Eli for the first time. This little charmer was full of smiles and hugs for his grandparents. 
It was Chris' mom's birthday while she was visiting and we threw her a cookout at our house. My family came over, as well as my aunt and uncle, whom they were staying with during their visit. Chris cooked burgers and hot dogs and we lounged on the deck enjoying the sunshine. 
We took Eli to get his passport taken care of in Waxahachie for our trip to the UK in July. While we were doing that, Chris's mom and stepdad enjoyed the sites of Waxahachie and we met up for lunch at the Dove's Nest. I had never been there before, but heard great things. It was a tasty cafe and so many neat trinkets in their gift shop to remember for friend's future birthdays.

Eli enjoyed playing with his Nan and proceeded to gnaw on her hand because of some teeth slowly coming in.
Eli enjoyed many lazy mornings with Mr. Bates during our break 
On their final day here, I got this picture of Eli enjoying his last few minutes with his Nan before she left. The next time he will see her, he will be almost 8 months old.
Spring Break was a break from work, but a much different break than last year with no Eli. I may not have had as much "me" time, but I cherished every moment with our little guy and family that came to visit.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Smorgasbord #11

Just some random happenings at Gilburtshire...

My hair dryer died a horrible death on Sunday. It was five years old and on its way out. I had been eyeing a BaByliss hair dryer for a few years and got a good deal on Amazon and free shipping thanks to Amazon Prime. (Amazon Prime is my favorite subscription right now.)
During Spring Break, I had had it with our garage door. It would slam so hard and sometimes got stuck. One morning it slammed so hard that I couldn't get it open and had to use the side door to go in and get Eli. The lock didn't work and there was a gap at the top of the door that brought in a draft. It needed to go!!!
We went to Lowe's last Thursday and picked up this white door that is fantastic. It doesn't slam, it has a switch at the bottom to hold the door open with your foot, it has an easy slide down screen, and it has a deadbolt. I love it!
I put Eli down for a nap and the doggies wanted to join him. I love that they all get along and that it shows Doris' nurturing side.
Brianna was out of town and we Facetimed with her. Eli and Marley were so funny and it looks like they took a selfie. 
Eli fell asleep on the couch and Mr. Bates jumped up to snuggle, too. Mr. Bates can be very gentle when he wants to.

Just a few things going on around here!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Eli is Four Months Old

Our little peanut is four months old now! I have to say that this month is when I noticed more changes with him in such a short amount of time. He would go to bed and the next morning I would say, "You look different." I try to take as many pictures, give as many hugs, and listen to him as often as I can to relish this sweet boy at this age.
I had to take home an extra kid one day leaving Sherry's and got this adorable picture of Eli and Marley bundled up and ready to go.
Every day I am reminded of just how much he is like his father.
Just hanging out with Doris
My favorite picture of this month
He's all decked out in his British gear. Our friends, the Eglingtons, got him the "iPoo'd" onesie, Chris' sister, Kate, got him the British flag socks with his name on them, and I got the Union Jack leggings from
He's getting good at just sitting in the Bumbo
He has this contagious smile that you cannot help but smile back. I love how his whole face beams with excitement and joy.

My mom took him for his four month check up because Chris and I couldn't get off work. She said he did as well as he could with the shots. The doctor said he looks healthy and is now 13 1/2 lbs and 24 1/4 inches. He's still a little guy, but is really starting to chunk up.

I thank God for every day spent with my sweet baby boy.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Forty Days and Forty Nights

As Lent approaches I start to hear the song we sang just about every year at school Masses during Lent: "Forty days and forty nights/You were fasting in the wild..."
I have been contemplating on Lent and what it means for me this year. Even though the message is the same every year, the opportunity to grow deeper into Christ's love differs with where we are on our spiritual journeys.
As a new mom, I have added a new layer to my perspective on my spiritual journey and how to convey that to my child. Yes, he is only four months old, but I feel now, more than ever, is the time to start faith-filled traditions with him.
Here are five actions that I am committing myself to during this Lenten season:

1. Pray the Rosary on my way to work
I did this one last year and kept it going even after Lent. I stopped doing it when I went on maternity leave and switched cars when I went back to work. I kept forgetting too lazy to get the CD out of the other car. I really missed it because it gave me sense of calmness before the crazy day started. It reassured me that no matter how bad the day got my Mother Mary was praying for me. 

2. Go to Stations of the Cross
This one is one of my favorite things to do during Lent. And not in a morbid way, but in that I can relive the 14 stations with Christ that lead up to our waiting for the third day when our King comes back. It's setting aside our lives and taking a walk with Jesus on his road to redeem us that makes me realize how I can never thank Him enough.

3. Put the phone down when nursing
I have this habit of automatically grabbing my phone before picking up Eli to nurse him. It's not a terrible habit, but I started to realize that I was missing out on this bonding moment with Eli because I was being consumed by my phone. My goal is to use this time to bond with Eli and also as prayer time. I think those quiet minutes will be good to listen to God and enjoy my time with my son.

4. Pray before meals
I planned on doing this one last year, but did not succeed. I am going to seriously commit to this one and try something new to remind myself. I'm going to wear a bracelet that will hopefully remind me to pray. I do not usually wear jewelry, so I think this will catch my eye as a constant reminder to pray.

5. Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation
 I'm going to confess that it has been since the last Lenten season that I have been to confession. I'm not proud of it and now feel the urge to go and be released from my sins. I am committed to finding the time for Jesus.

I do not post my Lenten commitments as a way to boast, but to show that I am a sinner who is committed to following Christ.

If you want to see what I chose to do last year, you can find it here
(Most of my commitments carried over from last year either because I didn't stick to them or I wanted to do them again.)

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sts. Cyril and Methodius Celebration

A few years ago, our parish priest began celebrating the feast of Sts. Cyril and Methodius the weekend of February 14. Sts. Cyril and Methodius are credited with bringing the Catholic faith to the Slavic countries. Being that our parish was founded by Slavic immigrants, we honor the feast for an entire week. We begin with a week long novena asking the saints to pray for us and end with a Mass and processional to a local hall for lunch and polka music. 

I didn't take any pictures in church, but got a few at the hall.
All of the babies hanging out on the play mat
Sweet Casen in his costume (kroj)
I got a picture with Eli wearing a vest that my grandmother made for my family when we were babies.
Banners of all of the different organizations in our parish
Miss Mac wanted to take a picture with Eli, but he wasn't so sure
And a pic of Eli with Chris

We had a great time celebrating with Mass, lunch, and polka dancing. I look forward to this celebration every year and getting our children involved in our heritage and faith.