Growing up, my sister was the one we always had to pull over for because she was car sick. She usually had a plastic bag and had to have preferential seating in the car. Now she is a flight attendant and it took awhile for her to figure out how NOT to get sick on an airplane. Fast forward to morning sickness and she couldn't fly for a bit because it was so hard to keep things down. I really felt sorry for her because I know that she must have felt awful not only physical, but to be away from the job she loves so much. The funny part of this is that since she was "sick" no one really thought she was pregnant. We are used to her being nauseated and feeling sick frequently. There was a bad stomach bug going around, too. She is finally getting past the sick stage and is moving on into her second trimester.
A few days ago she went to one of her appointments to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time. My BIL is s a police officer and had to work that day. She asked me if I would join her. Of course, I said I would. People watching, as I like to do, I saw several different levels of pregnancy. Some were barely showing while others looked like they were about to explode. This was a whole new ball game for us. Sitting in the waiting room, it really hit me that my sister is pregnant and that Chris and I may not be too far away from being in her shoes.
In the doctor's office, the nurse did the usual check-ups and then asked her to lie down to hear the heartbeat. At first, we didn't hear anything and it reminded me of the movie Signs when they are listening to the baby monitor. After a few seconds, we heard a fast thumping. We both looked at each other and smiled. The nurse told her that that was her baby's heartbeat. I could see the tears in my sister's eyes and realized what a special moment that was for her. There is a baby growing inside of her and she is so happy knowing that it is there. My sister is going to be a mother. I had never heard a baby's heartbeat before and it was truly beautiful to hear. I am so thankful that I was able to experience that with my sister. It is going down as an unforgettable moment with her.
God has given them this precious gift and I praise him for doing that. My sister is so special to me and I love to see her this happy. My BIL is going to be a wonderful father as I have seen him change over the last month. I continue to pray for the entire family that they stay healthy and that God gives them the tools to be incredible parents.
I'm really bad at taking pictures with me in them, Here is a picture of my sister and I at her wedding and at mine

So excited for Bri! It is very cool that you are getting a little preview of what you will experience soon hopefully!