Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Our Weekend

Friday evening, I went to Stations of the Cross and then headed home to make Chris a new meal. Since we cannot eat meat on Fridays during Lent, I found a recipe on Pinterest: Creamy Shrimp and Mushroom Pasta.

It was amazing!! We both gobbled it up so quickly. I wouldn't say that it was healthy, but for anyone who likes mushrooms and shrimp this would be a hit! Here is my version.
Saturday was St. Patrick's Day and we celebrated by going to the St. Patrick's Day dance at the KJT. My dad's band, Jodie Mikula Orchestra, and Czech and then Some played for the dance. We had a great time hanging out, having some Shiner, and dancing.

Doris wanted to say, "Happy St. Patrick's Day!"
Also on Saturday, we went to Tex-Scapes and bought a peach tree. They were having a sale and it was very tempting to buy more than the peach tree. We planted it Sunday morning and can't wait to see it grow.
We hope to start our garden this weekend. We have had a lot of rain, so the soil should be soft to till. We just have to see what the weather is going to do.

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